In the video above I refer to a report on good decision making, you can use this report to help your clients and other contacts.

Either send your clients to this page here (see the suggested client message below and share the page link) or cut and paste the words as you see fit.

Wording you can use with your clients...

Dear [client name],

If ever there was a time for good decision-making it is now.

The impact of covid-19 is unprecedented – England's chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, has said the peak of the UK outbreak is most likely, still 10 to 14 weeks away.

During this time, chances are you’re going to be making some important business decisions.

With this in mind we thought you might like to see some best-practice on good decision-making. Here’s a report with a proven 4-step approach to good decision-making.

 Share the link to the Decision Making Best Practice here (

Of course, we’d like to help you personally on your big decisions too. Just as this report suggests – having an independent 3rd party involved is one of the strategies for better decision making!

Check out the good decision-making checklist at the end of the report and then see what you think of the full business breakthrough – you’ll read it in less time than it takes to drink a cup of tea.

Then think about how you can put this report to work for you as you consider the big decisions for your business. And please let us know if we can help.

This suggestion is part of a series of messages that help you communicate with your clients in a calm and collected way whilst the turbulence of the health issues, personal and business challenges unfold.

Come back to our blog and you’ll find other messages you can use with clients.

NB This additional blog shares a longer-term perspective you might also want to share with clients – it suggests some questions you can use with clients, some insights you can share and a plan for speaking with them about what’s happening to their business.

As our clients’ trusted advisor, we have a responsibility to show a flow of information that helps them see a way through the challenges ahead (if we can). We must be seen to try.

Please let us know if these are helpful to you and your firm.