The science of success suggests that genes have little to do with success…

But is this true?

Jamaica is the home of Usain Bolt, the home of sprinting. 7 of the world’s top 10 sprinters come from Jamaica…  

But it’s not where he comes from that matters, it’s what he does… Bolt is obsessed with training, sprint training and always at the edge of his capability for gold medal success...AND success breeds success.

How can you apply this same obsession to your accountancy firm?

I would suggest you apply this obsession of training in your firm, make your team train and train again at the edge of their current skill level.

When we repeatedly practice at the edge of our capability, we are practicing at the deepest level and levels of improvement will go right up…

When you encourage your team to do the same you will breed success and have a gold medal winning team of your own.

Read here and make training in your firm your obsession.