Croner-i Webinar:
30th October 2023
The 8 questions of strategy and how this will help you grow your firm.
When you think about the future success of your accountancy firm, how confident and certain do you really want to feel?
Although there isn’t an exact way to predict the future of your accountancy business, you can dive into research from ‘the great and good’ about business success. You’ll then find some common principles shining through. But what do these principles mean for you?
These principles prompt a series of questions that signpost the decisions and actions needed to build a successful, secure and future-proof accountancy business.
This webinar will help you.
Managing Director of Remarkable Practice, Paul Shrimpling, will break down the 8 questions of strategy and how this will help you grow your firm.
If you’re ready to build greater certainty into the future performance of your firm, them why not join this webinar on Monday 30th October at 2:00pm.