Persil is a household name and a recognised brand, but is their sausage worth all the sizzle?

In 2005 David Arkwright (former global director of Unilever’s laundry business) thought they needed to move away from the ‘whiter than white’ slogan and focus on a stronger core message.

​Arkwright ​knew Persil’s current core message ‘whiter than white’ was not strong enough, so challenged consumers all over the world with the question “Why is ‘whiter than white’ important to you?”

Through this customer research Persil uncovered the emotion buried inside dirty washing!!

The insight the question uncovered was “if you are not free to get dirty, you cannot experience life and grow”.

This totally changed Persil’s core offer from ‘whiter than white’ to ‘dirt is good’.

We all remember the adverts of kids painting, playing sport and having fun in the garden and then coming home covered in dirt!

This strengthening of Persil’s core offer boosted their sales and profits and made them one of the biggest brands in the world with global sales of $3 billion.

So how can you apply this to your accountancy firm?

​A strong core message must be at the heart of everything you do…

​Does your firm have a slogan or strapline? Does your firm have a core message? Does your core message help sell your firm’s brand? Is it strong enough? And when was the last time you really used your core message to sell your firm’s products and services?

Take time to ask your customers what your core offer means to them…you might be surprised what comes out in the laundry!​

Go here to read more about the importance of a strong core message for your accountancy firm.