Research by the UK government (from 2015) interviewed 15,502 business owners. These included businesses employing less than 9 people to businesses employing up to 249 people.

Vital insights:

From the research here’s a few strategically important statistics for accountants:

  • 69% of SME employers aimed to grow the sales of their business over the next three years – and business growth is the most popular subject for advice sought (twice as popular than any other subject)
  • The research suggests that 33% of business owners sought external advice in the last 12 months – 65% of these paid for advice
  • Accountants were the source of the advice only half the time

What conclusions can you reach from these numbers?

Business growth is what business owners care about the most (69% of them anyway) and a fair share of business owners are willing to pay for advice about business growth too.

Therefore, accountants who are seen as a business growth focused firm will be seen as the most relevant firm to ambitious business owners. Business growth accountants will have a competitive advantage over other ‘normal’ accountants.

Should you be doing more as a business growth accountant?

Should you be talking business growth?

If you’d like to find out more about how Business Growth Accountants work, I recently interviewed 12 of them and they shared their secrets – or rather they shared what it is they do, how they think and how they do ‘Business Growth Accountancy’.

Firms like Aptus in Australia – winner of the ‘most innovative firm’ in the recent accountancy awards in Australia. Firms like multi-award winning advisory firm Clear Vision Accountancy in Wiltshire.

See for yourself

You’ll find what they say, what they do, how they do it and the way they think in this brand-new book called (not surprisingly!) – The Business Growth Accountantorder your copy here.

“Brilliantly written, really easy to read, and bang on the money.”

Paul Whitney – director of Hallidays Chartered Accountants

You can see what others have said about the book at

IMPORTANT: We’re committed to delivering real value so if the book disappoints in any way then please ask for your money back, you’ll get a refund no questions asked.

Check out the bonus materials you get with the book too at including the full interviews with all the contributors.

In the book, check out chapter 9 – Numbers To Grow By – to see how you can adapt your accountant’s expertise at numbers to deliver high-value business growth advice for your business clients.

Every success
