This stimulating article asks two smart questions and compares the answers. 

The questions:

1. When you’ve lost a client or a proposal, what percentage of the time was it due to price?

2. When you’ve won a proposal, what percentage of the time has it been because you are the low-price provider? _

The article then makes a powerful point which is why I suggest you have a quick read…

The article makes some strong points about the value of feedback. However I like most of all the way these two answers and how they differ, challenges your attitude to the importance of price in your clients/prospects decisons.

To what degree is price the most important decision making criteria for your clients?

If price isn’t the most important criteria (and it isn’t) what is?

How do you manage the obsession with price within your firm or by your prospects?

Paul Shrimpling

Author of ‘Bamboo Marketing For Accountants’ – the route map to marketing success for accountants in practice

Creator of ‘BUSINESS BITESIZE’ – cultivating a greater flow of new clients for your accountancy firm through profitable word-of-mouth…

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