KPIs that work for your business are not key PERFORMANCE indicators – they are key PREDICTIVE indicators. They predict your future success.
And when working out your KPIs using this definition you’ll want to get clarity on what makes your business successful…
Simple solution: Happy customers willing to pay (again) will make your business successful.
So what makes them happy?
Moments of truth in their customer experience (from Jan Carlson’s book Moments Of Truth):
- miserable moments become neutral moments
- neutral moments become magical moments
So what influences their customer experience?
- Speed of what you do
- Quality of what you do
- The customer care in what you do
Get faster (in the eyes of your customer); deliver higher quality (in the eyes of your customer); And REALLY care for them throughout their experience of working with your firm.
Do this and measure your performance in each area and you’ll have truly great KPIs for your firm and drive your firm to future success.
What business owner, what accountant, would not get real serious about these measures in their business?
Are you?