Is your accountancy firm making KPIs pay off for you and your clients?
Making the most of KPIs is a big opportunity for accountants – especially given the economic turmoil we are experiencing since the Brexit vote.
KPIs hold your accountancy firm back UNLESS you make them Key Predictive Indicators…
…not Key Performance Indicators. Most accountants and most business owners are missing the real power, the real value and the real importance of KPIs.
CrunchBoards Co-Founder, Amy Harris, tackles the meaning and relevance of KPIs with Paul Shrimpling, MD of Remarkable Practice.
A valuable webinar…
Register for the webinar NOW - there are 2 times to choose from
This webinar gives accountants the opportunity to look at KPIs in a different light. A light that can protect the full profit potential of every business and every accountant:
- Discover how you enhance the value of the relationship between accountant and business owner and secure client loyalty
- Find out why ‘Keep It Simple Stupid’ is just so important when it comes to using KPIs in your firm and with your clients
- See how a single ‘3-stage’ science ultimately determines your business success
- See how CrunchBoards best helps you and your firm make KPIs pay off for your firm and your clients too
Predictive Versus Performance Indicators…
Key Performance Indicators typically review what's happened in the past. And KPIs typically fail to drive improvements in your results.
But you could and should use KPIs (Key PREDICTIVE Indicators) to predict your firm’s future success. And drive action of course. To read more on KPI's click here
Two different stories, one valuable conclusion…
Amy and Hannah set up CrunchBoards because they knew they needed better, faster and more relevant KPIs. Now more than 10,000 users are putting CrunchBoards to work on their KPIs.
Paul has been encouraging accountants for more than a decade to take KPIs more seriously. But Paul’s view does not follow the normal KPI school of thought from the business schools.
Paul’s early KPI experience is forged in the reality of building a £1m family manufacturing business from scratch. And then, when it all went horribly wrong, in just 13 weeks, Paul turned it around again and prepared it for sale thanks to the practical use of KPIs – Key Predictive Indicators.
The webinar is taking place on:
Register for the session now
In just 30 minutes you’ll hear Amy and Paul share some valuable insights and valuable next steps and then have the opportunity to post your question(s) to them at the end.