If Jerry Sternin with the odds truly stacked against him, can change the lives of 2.2 million people in Vietnam you can also be successful at change.
As a race humans are already highly successful at managing change (moving house, having children, getting married, etc.) Your job as a business leader is to apply the memorable 3-part change pattern to the areas of your business you want to change like Jerry did with great success in Vietnam.
Read more here.
Here are 4 tips to successfully achieve this:
1. Choose a small change you want to make happen – set aims that are easy to achieve in bite sized chunks. You would never learn to ski on a black slope, start slowly and build
2. Communicate correctly to ensure maximum buy-in. Involve as many people as you can, communicate the essentials and work out how to direct the ‘rider’ in your people
3. Find the feeling in people, shrink the change and grow your people. Communicate, involve, enable and facilitate involvement from your people, as early, openly and as fully as possible
4. Tweak the working environment, make the changes habitual and get all of your people on board. Achieving this will require planning with clear objectives, be proactive and always begin with an end in mind, that way you instil a proactive approach to the change you are proposing.
Read more about how the 3-part pattern works in practice and the skills involved to implement the 3-part pattern here.