It’s clear, thanks to several recent conversations with owners of accountancy firms, how getting stuff done on time, to a high standard, and to hit billings targets can prove to be elusive.
And yet a weekly process which sets the goals for the week, allocates time to do the work and holds people to account is now proving very successful in several firms. In this article you’ll hear of just one firm’s experience…
Following on from my last article’s theme of ‘games’ (refresh your memory here) the marbles and test tubes are proving to be the catalyst for action.
Let me explain…
Elinor has installed a weekly process (a weekly game) and within two weeks of starting the ‘game’ is enjoying the fruits of her labours. Stuff is getting done.
On time.
To a high standard.
Here’s Elinor’s email to me:
At the beginning of the week each team member agrees their ten big rocks – the ten lumpy chunks of work for their week – one morning, one afternoon times five days = ten big rocks.
Every time one of the team gets a big rock done they drop a marble in the tube.
You can see both marbles and the oversized test-tube and you can see the flip chart process they use to track and show results – team accountability at work!
Does it work?
54 rocks out of 64 is good. And they are all building the habit of getting stuff done every day, every week.
52 productive weeks gets your firm a productive year.
Last week’s blog was about test tubes and marble games!
Games to engage your people and get your firm the results you want.
Yes they are fun but with a serious intent… it’s about getting stuff done, fully executed, completed. Just like Elinor is doing.
Remember the Michael Gerber quote:
“How do you get your people to do what you want them to do?”
He answers his own question with…
“You can’t! You can only create a game they want to play.”
Elinor is playing a game – it’s fun – it has a serious intent – it is working!
How can you use a game to transform your firms abilities to plough through work?
I’d love to know…