‘The chicken or the egg?’ poses a timeless, universal and challenging question.

Less challenging, but in a similar vein, one of these questions comes first when it comes to making your accountancy firm more profitable:

                “How important is increased profits to you and your firm’s happiness?”

                “How important is your happiness to you and your firm’s profits?”

Hard science points the way…

As far back as 2003 scientific studies pointed to the importance of happiness for achieving better results. Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky, in 2005, proved that:

  • Happier people will be more productive for your firm
  • Happier people will deliver greater sales for your firm
  • Happier people will suffer less stress
  • Happier people are less likely to leave your firm

Big claims I know. But Lyubomirsky’s findings are supported by many other studies.

Your profitable next steps…

Rather than believe this blog we really should now have a laugh whilst discovering 4 more scientific studies on the value of happiness (and the positive impact happiness has on profits).

Plus you should also get to know the 5 strategies that help you increase your happiness levels (and help your firm be more successful).

These and other findings suggest wholeheartedly that being happier will help make you and your firm more successful.

Remarkable conclusion…

If you’re serious about happiness you’ll be more successful.

Check out this highly entertaining TED talk now. You’ll get some hard science and the 5 things that improve your happiness levels, 3 of which are just so easy.

In particular, look out for the slide called ‘Small Changes Ripple Outward’ this has the 5 simple strategies for increasing your happiness that will result in greater success.

Over 13 million people have watched this 12 minute talk. It changed my thinking. You’ll have a giggle watching it too – watch the video here

And please click here to read a 4 page bitesize report on liberating the people potential in your firm. Happy people, happy firm...​