We argued in an earlier blog that the profession should be challenging business owners with a dose of the brutal truth and prepare their businesses for the challenges ahead. A position of minimising losses (whilst managing the goodwill of clients and team) is what a trusted advisor should do.

But perhaps we should also be sharing our hope and optimism for the future too?

I think so.

In this brief video you’ll hear from a young medical patient who experienced the optimism of her medical team and the impact their positivity had on her way of thinking:

Every accountant in every interaction with every business owner client can inject positivity AND realism – these positions are not mutually exclusive. How are you managing this in your firm for your clients?

You will have serviced some of your clients for a number of years, so those relationships are well formed, you know each other well, so maybe next time you speak you could share any little nuggets of positivity that you have, even if it’s on a personal level.

There’s a lot to be said for having a positive mental attitude, even in times like this.

Maybe especially in times like this.

Perhaps you personally need an injection of positivity too? How else can you maintain your positivity for clients?

Remember our outlook affects our results and the results of the people we care for – our family – our team – our clients.​