Two possibilities exist:
- You’ve either broken the back of your tax returns and have a ‘more-than-manageable’ number to complete in January, or…
- You’re feeling overwhelmed by the number of returns yet to do…
Here’s a practical make a difference next step for you, your people and, as it happens, your clients.
FACT: Missing information prevents you from completing tax returns
FACT: Accountants are habitually pre-disposed to chase for missing information by email
FACT: Emails are one-way communications; eventually they need to be chased by phone anyway
FACT: You’re running out of time and you need action sooner rather than later
QUICK FIX 1: Change your team’s default communication from email to phone call
Chances are you’re already asking your team to use the phone and chances are the’re still using email as the primary form of communication (no disrespect intended).
One of the universal laws of habit is – “Old Habits Don’t Die”
This means email communication will remain the default method for chasing missing information unless you create a ‘trigger’ that prompts, reminds and wakes you and your people up to the new habit default to call rather than email.
Or even better call first then email second as a follow up.
QUICK FIX 2: Use these ‘Phone Call 1st, Email 2nd’ posters as a reminder trigger in your office
A setting change (posters on the wall) can be one of the strongest habit triggers and help drive the change in behavior you need to better complete your tax returns.
QUICK FIX 3: Now brief your team, explain the reason for the posters and insist on ‘Phone 1st’
Next time you are about to draft an email to a client pick up the phone and ask them for what you need.
THEN follow up with an email.
Phone 1st, Email 2nd that’s our New Year quick fix for your tax return mayhem.
Do you want a couple of A2 wall posters to help you make a bigger point of this important habit?
If all you have to do is pay for postage.
We've printed these "fun with a serious intent" posters and sent them to all our consulting and Business Bitesize clients and have a few left over.
If you would like to have the posters you can for the cost to package and post them to you.
The price difference for printing 200 instead of 150 was tiny so if you want a pair of posters simply go HERE and pay for the tube packs and postage and we'll ship them to you...
... naturally this is a strictly first come first served, when they're gone they're gone!
Click here to read my latest blogs that provide valuable business insights to help your firm in 2016
Wishing you a productive January. With warm regards from the team at Remarkable Practice and best wishes for a prosperous 2016.
Paul Shrimpling