In the film Live, Die, Repeat – Tom Cruise shows us that to succeed you must fail – repeatedly!

A modern sci-fi Groundhog Day - Tom (the hero – obviously), fails and dies repeatedly, but each death restarts his day allowing him to modify his behaviour, adjust his course and plan, meaning he eventually saves the world, kills the aliens and of course gets the girl…

So how does this apply to you and more importantly the success of your firm?

The mantra of this film is that failure will teach you how to succeed and not only that - repeatedly failing is good, not just good, essential.

And what can Martin Casado tell us?

Martin Casado is a legend in his corner of the tech world for inventing a technology that radically altered the way computer networks are built. (He then sold this technology business 5 months after its launch for $1.26 billion).

According to Martin ‘the opportunity is hidden in the sloppiness’ he also believes that ‘no-one really achieves their goals and that failure is inevitable!!

This might sound a bit glum…

Martin believes it’s only in the failure that we learn, it’s only in the failure that we adjust and it’s only through repeated failures that we achieve eventual success.

The most important thing being that we are not afraid of failing.

So how does this impact your accountancy firm’s success?

When you learn at the edge of your skill level and the very limits of your capabilities repeatedly, failure is expected.

When you REACH, FAIL, REPEAT – you can put these setbacks and adjustments to work in your firm in a positive way…

It’s only at the very limits of your capabilities that you grow, and your firm grows.

For you to make your firm a success, for you to grow its profits, Martin’s belief is that you:

‘…learn to embrace failure — not only embrace failure, get good at it, and by that, I mean get back up, apply what you've learned, and hit reset."

In other words, be the Tom Cruise of your firm and Live, Die and then Repeat…

Click here​ for the full transcript and accompanying video of Martin’s inspirational speech at Northern Arizona University – worth the watch!

​For more crucial business insights on how to succeed at the very edge of your capabilities click here.