How important is the use of checklists to you and other senior managers in your firm?

It’s highly probable that there will have been a time within your firm when the use of an effective checklist meant that something that might have been missed wasn’t.

That deadline that may have slipped but didn’t because of a checklist.

Checklists are part of our everyday life; we make shopping lists and Christmas lists and if we are all honest when anything major happens in our personal lives it usually comes with a list…

Getting Married, moving to a new house or having a baby – to ensure that nothing is missed and more importantly we don’t encounter the stress of having to remember, we make lists.

Your firm is at risk if you do not take the importance of checklists seriously.

Over the last few months with the ever-changing situation we have faced as a nation and the level of uncertainty for all businesses, checklists could have been your most essential business tool… were they?

Checklists can help you get, and stay, on top of important projects, help you make decisions, focus the mind and even just unload the thoughts from your overloaded brain.

Checklists mean that you make sure that your tasks are written down all in one place, so you don't forget anything important or have the stress of having to try and remember everything.

And by prioritising your business-critical tasks, you plan the order in which you'll do them, so that you can tell what needs your immediate attention, and what you can leave until later.

Click here to learn the importance to the future of your firm of using a checklist.