Secure a brighter future for your accountancy firm... show your clients how to build a stronger and more profitable business...
...but what stops accountants being genuinely proactive with clients?

Accounts and tax are valuable to business owners, but as soon as you humanise the numbers you become profoundly more valuable to your clients
Hi, I'm Paul Shrimpling. Author of 'The Business Growth Accountant' and creator of Bitesize Business Breakthroughs. And for almost 2 decades I've been helping accountants build stronger and more profitable relationships with their business owner clients. And something has become crystal clear...
Being an expert accountant is no longer enough for your business clients...
Technology is changing at an ever-increasing rate...
Your competitors are also getting better and faster...
Business clients are getting more and more demanding too...
Therefore it's clear that staying the same - not changing what your accountancy firm does - is a recipe for becoming disastrously irrelevant.
And so, if accountants can stay relevant on tax and accounts through CPD - can't accountants stay relevant to their business owners by also investing some time and money learning about business success?
General Eric Shenseki makes a powerful point when he says:
"If you don't like change you're going to like irrelevance even less"
Stay relevant to your clients and you and your team will be better placed to help your clients succeed, as well as contributing to your firm's own long-term success.
As an accountant if you're not talking tax and accounts,
what should you be talking about?
Confidence can run high for a business owner until a valued client or a valued team member leaves to join a competitor. Confidence about the future can then disappear like a puff of smoke.
Many other challenges also frustrate business owners - deadlines; lack of time; quality issues; willingness to adopt new technology; overworked; lack of sales; people issues; and much more.
All these frustrations and more are what your business clients want to talk about.
So who should help your business owner clients with their challenges and frustrations?
The business owner's most trusted advisor should help...
...the business owner's accountant should help... and your accountancy firm should help
Here's what happens when you help your clients remove or resolve their business frustrations...
You help them feel better about their business and more confident about their future
You help them improve their business results too
As a result clients feel loyal to you, your people and your firm
Client loyalty then secures your fees and profits and your future
Client loyalty increases the number of recommendations you get
So why not commit to informing, educating and challenging your clients about proven business success insights?
Because you hold a unique and trustworthy role in the hearts and minds of your clients, aren't you best-placed to help your clients? And if you are best-placed to help, shouldn’t you be sharing proven business success ideas, as well as looking after their tax and accounts?
You'll then be supporting your clients around the frustrations and challenges they experience. You'll be helping them build a more successful business. And, as a result, you'll be securing the future of your firm through stronger relationships with your clients.
We'll do all the leg-work for you (in the background). You take all the glory for sharing what it takes to help remove their frustrations and help them build a successful business they can be proud of.
Here's Elinor Perry from Pentlands Accountants and Advisors from Leamington Spa talking about the power of regular contact with her firm's clients...
Reassuring comments from clients and contacts prove the value of sharing worthwhile business insights:
"A great read, makes me want to do team meetings again to try it out!"
- a client responding to this 'Business Breakthrough' report shared by one of the partners at Landmark Chartered Accountants
Let us create reports like these with your firm's logo and colour and put them to work on your website, in your email marketing and in your social media marketing (without you having to do anything)
As Managing Partner, Clive's time is precious but he still wants to look after clients by sharing valuable Business Breakthroughs
with them...
Clive Wilson is the managing partner at Landmark Chartered Accountants in Watford. The firm is doing well, winning new clients, growing fees and has a reputation for doing great work for clients.
But to say the three partners and team of managers are busy is an understatement. However, they take client care deadly seriously and want to be in regular contact and share things that make a difference to their business owner clients.
To begin with Clive did all the work of sending his firm's 'own-branded' Business Breakthrough reports out to all his firm's clients and contacts once a month. But as Landmark got busier this got harder to do due to other priorities and time commitments. He also wondered if he should be in weekly contact with clients (rather than monthly) but worried that weekly communications would upset clients and be seen as spam!
Clive is a stickler for the fine detail - everything has to be at a high standard so we took great care helping Clive see how we could take all the leg work away from delivering his firm's reports, and still do a great job, one he'd be proud of.
So now (without lifting a finger) Clive posts a new blog every week on his firm's website; plus he hosts a lead generation opportunity that captures the email address of business owners who want a copy of the Landmark Business Breakthrough report of the week; and then delivers the report instantly and sends a follow up email too. Clive also delivers an email to clients every week about a recent Business Breakthrough report (he's now convinced that there's no downside to weekly emails sharing valuable business insights with clients).
All this work gets done every week, Landmark get all the plaudits for sharing high-value business breakthroughs without doing any of the work - it's all done for him.
3 BIG CHALLENGES prevent most accountancy firms making their website work well enough for their firm...
Your firm's website is your shop window for existing clients, prospects and other valued contacts. It should be a vibrant, informative and valuable resource for all your contacts. This means new content every week or at least every month, but this is tough for most accountants...
- 1Your time is precious - Most partners know their firm should be posting regular blogs and follow up reports to keep their website fresh for clients, prospects and other valuable contacts. However most partners are consumed by client work which makes creating a valuable blog or report a chore rather than a valuable client communication
- 2Your team's time and skills are precious too - Most of your team are consumed by other work priorities too. Does your team have the time and skills needed to do all that needs doing to make your website blog, reports, emails and social media work?
- 3It's tough to make all the elements work every week without fail - This means research, writing and editing high-value and engaging business success content every week or month. It also means building landing pages and making sure your website technology delivers the follow-up reports instantly online and then again shortly after by email. Plus it means sharing your blog content and reports using email and social media - every week or every month
Whether you want your website to get a new, high-value business advisory blog post every week, every fortnight or every month there are lots of moving parts that have to work. Most firms fail to get all the moving parts working as ythey should work and as a result live with an under-perfroming website. But if you're committed to being seen as a 'business growth accountant' or 'advisory accountant' we can do all the work for you.
All done for you - weekly blogs, own-branded reports, lead generation pages, emails and social media all for less than you'd pay a part-time admin person...
Getting all the moving parts of your digital marketing working is a big job for every accountancy firm, it takes time and effort. And because, ideally you want fresh and relevant content on your website every week, it becomes too big and complex a job and so it doesn't happen.
It doesn't have to be this hard. You can have new vibrant high-value 'business success' content on your website blog every week without fail and without any effort – just like Pentlands, Landmark, Anthony Russel and many others.
As you'd expext, everything is done to the highest standards...
We know that your firm's reputation is at stake. And so we know you want consistent high quality content, you insist on it being well-presented and visually attractive as well as professional and credible.
Which is why we go to such lengths to ensure the highest standards are met in every aspect of the Business Breakthrough service:
- 1The research for each report uses recent and credible sources of information and insight, often backed up by large research studies and healthy doses of common sense
- 2Every report, every blog, every email and every tweet and LinkedIn post passes through several editing processes to ensure the spelling and grammar and writing is worthy of your firm
- 3It's important that things look great as well as read great. The worlds best bloggers are successful because of the quality of their content...
There are bloggers that blog every day (like Neil Patel, or Seth Godin) and others that blog around twice a month (like Mark Manson or Ryan Holiday). All of them have a giant audience, not based on the frequency of their posts, but because of the quality of their posts.
If keeping in regular contact with your valued clients is important to you and your firm, and you want to share high-value business insights, delivered to a high standard then talk to us about helping you use...
...Bitesize Business Breakthroughs
Here's 3 of the ever-expanding library of Business Breakthrough reports that provide the source for all your blogs, emails and social media content.
The first three reports are in our branding, you can then see the same reports in the branding of three accountancy firms already using 'Bitesize Business Breakthroughs' for their firm:
Show clients how to make great business decisions and deliver great value - they'll love you for helping when it really matters
Show clients how their work environment can speed them towards business success and you'll set your firm apart
Every business has challenging clients or team members, this report shows your clients how to get them on-side
Here's the same 3 reports in the colour and brand of 3 different accountancy firms...
Anthony Russel's 'Bitesize Business Breakthrough' about a proven framework for making great business decisions
Landmark Chartered Accountants branded'Business Breakthrough' on creating a successful work environment
Pentlands branded 'Business Breakthrough' about getting the most stubborn people you know to do what you want
What Partners of Accounting Firms Are Saying About Using Bitesize Business Breakthroughs In Their Firm...
“We get very good feedback from clients and prospects...”
"A well-known publisher client of ours insists she gets our regular Business Breakthrough reports (rather than her business partner) because she really enjoys reading them. Because she appreciates them it tells me the standard of the content really stands up to scrutiny"
"We send Business Breakthroughs to all our clients, contacts and possible new clients. It means we stay in touch with everyone in a high-value way with very little effort. And we get very good feedback."
"It's important to us that we are the only firm in Watford able to use the Business Breakthroughs - it gives us a competitive advantage I'm sure."
Clive Wilson
- Managing Partner, Landmark Chartered Accountants, Watford
“We know we're staying in touch in a high-value and impactful way"
"Here's a note we recently got from one of our clients - Just a quick note to say that I really enjoyed your bite-sized summary, sufficiently to borrow a couple of great quotes! It's a really valuable resource you are providing with these summaries. Thanks.
"When we get feedback like this we know we are staying in touch with clients in a high-value and impactful way."
"We now also use the Bitesize content in the workshops and events we regularly run - it takes so much of the leg work out of putting a slide-deck together and gives us a brilliant workshop follow up report too."
Elinor Perry-Hall
- Pentlands Advisors and Accountants, Leamington Spa
“We use the Bitesize reports to train our team and have saved £1,000s"
“In just one lunchtime we made our firm more successful. A 'learning lunch' with our team about ‘lean processes’ expanded our team's business knowledge. We then discussed how we could apply ‘lean’ to our firm and quickly realised an investment in workflow software would save us £10,000 in chargeable time."
"Even better, our team our now able to talk to clients about the value of lean process and how it can help their business.”
Wayne Hockley
- Owner and Director, Anthony Russel, Braintree, Essex
See 3 more examples of different BitesizeBusiness Breakthrough reports here...
Like Clive, Elinor and Wayne you too can Share Bitesize Business Breakthroughs with your clients every week (or every month) and build a valuable working relationship
Let us provide you with a comprehensive, and constantly increasing bank of Bitesize Business Breakthroughs. All branded with your firm’s logo and primary brand colour – just like we do for the Landmark, Pentlands and Anthony Russel. And then let us get it delivered for you so that you use almost no time refreshing your website blogs every week and sharing your new content by email and social media.
£690 per month if you want us to provide you with the 'full-fat' weekly Bitesize digital marketing service:
- Let us create and post an attractive and easy-to-read business success blog for you almost every week
- Let us send simple high-value emails to all your clients and contacts and drive even more people to your blog
- Let us build a landing page behind every weekly blog and capture emails and instantly send reports to them
- Let us build you a reference library of 'your-brand' Business Breakthroughs in your brand colour and logo
- Let us add new 'your-brand' reports and resources 6 times a year to your Business Breakthrough library
- And as a result secure the geographical integrity that prevents your competitors using Bitesize
Pay less if you prefer a MONTHLY SERVICE rather than a weekly process - £465 per month.
Pay even less if you simply want the CONTENT ONLY and then do all the marketing work yourself - £330 per month.
Paul Shrimpling
Creator of Bitesize Business Breakthroughs
About the creator...
Paul has started 4 businesses (his first when he was 20). He's bought from 6 different accountancy firms and the best of these didn’t just talk about the numbers they asked about non-accountancy issues and helped in a deeper way.
Paul’s been involved in 1,000s of meetings with the owners, directors and managers of accountancy firms - helping them transform profits, capital value and their pride and enjoyment of running their firms.
To create his recent book - The Business Growth Accountant - Paul interviewed 12 of the most advanced 'advisory' firms he could find. His book distills and shares their best insights into helping how accountants help business owners succeed.
And when Paul isn't with his family, surfing in Portugal or mountaineering in the Alps he'll be working closely with the leadership teams of accountancy firms just like yours.
Here's a few questions other firms ask us...
"Isn't it BETTER TO HAVE UNIQUE CONTENT on our website rather than content other firms are using too?"
"WHY WOULD I want to have 'Business Breakthrough' content on my website and in my social media and other marketing?"
"Couldn't I SAVE MONEY if you provided the Bitesize content and we did more of the work?"
"If you do the blogs for my firm won't I miss out on MY FIRM'S GOOGLE RANKING?"
Time to have a look at YOUR FIRM’S LOGO and primary brand colour on a Bitesize report of your choice...
The first step is to have a look at what a Bitesize report looks like in your logo and brand colour. Click the button below, choose the report you'd like to see in your branding and let us have the email address you'd like us to send your branded report too - you'll receive an information pack too.
What if you DO and what if you DON'T - what happens?
Every one of the firms that uses the Business Breakthrough service values different things. Here's a few things we've learned from these firms over the years of running Bitesize Business Breakthroughs...
What you get, when you do...
What you miss out on, when you don't...
Here's 'What You Get Every Week'
Without Lifting A Finger...
Every week you can prove to all your clients, prospects and contacts that you are serious about their business success. You send the same success message to your team too. Please remember we can do all this for you and allow you to focus on your 'day job':
Make it less often if you want TO: Rather than weekly, if you LIKE THE IDEA of starting gently why not go for monthly? We will happily make it all happen monthly for you and your firm. Or provide you with all the content so you and your team stay in control and do it all yourselves.
Easy in, easy out. No long term contract, stop at any time...
Me and my team are committed to doing a very high quality job on both the content creation (reports and blogs) and content delivery (emails, social media, landing pages) – so we make it easy to get started and easy to stop too – no long term contract.
Some firms have been using our Business Breakthrough service for many years which hopefully shows how serious we are about achieving very high standards (they wouldn’t have stayed otherwise).
Why not test us out and get a Business Breakthrough report created in your brand logo and brand colour – simply choose the report you’d like to see and let us have your web address to find your logo and colour.
Paul Shrimpling
Business Breakthrough Content Creation
Kate Shrimpling
Business Breakthrough Editing and Proofing
Kelly Atherton
Business Breakthrough Content Marketing and Delivery
Sally Wallwin
Business Breakthrough Digital Marketing
IF you'd like to know more about 'Bitesize Business Breakthroughs' simply add your contact details here please...
P.S. We are committed to maintaining the regional integrity for every licensee firm that uses Bitesize. This means we have turned away many interested firms because they would conflict with an existing Bitesize firm.
If your firm's town or region is already taken we will advise you as soon as you make contact with us. If your town or region is still available we will happily get you a sample copy of Bitesize to you in your logo and primary brand colour.