consulting questionnaire

Are you sick and tired of ‘AVERAGE’ sales and marketing results at your firm?

Consult with Paul and you tap into a depth of knowledge, experience and insight...


Paul is one of the few people who really understands accountancy. He has helped us really understand the core issues of marketing our practice. So much so we now help our clients with marketing!


Rob Walsh

Clear Vision Accountancy Group


The thing about this sequence of meetings with Paul and the follow-up calls, is that after only 3 months, the landscape looks much clearer for us all. It is almost as if, for the first time we have had our heads lifted up, and can see the the opportunities for change which previously had been buried.


Nick Price



We've now got more than 30 business owners on the Business One Page Plan. What's great is clients love it and our team love it too."

"We have worked closely with Paul and now get him to do the keynote presentation at our annual BOPP event to around 50 business owners."

"From the last event we were fortunate to win £89,000 of fees which is a record for us. The event was a real success."

"From the last event we were fortunate to win £89,000 of fees which is a record for us. The event was a real success.


Andrew Botham

Mayes Accountancy

Work with Paul and you avoid unnecessary mistakes because he shares what he’s learned, applied and seen work.

  • 25 years of sales and marketing experience including starting and growing his own profitable business to £1m+.
  • Paul has 10 years of working exclusively with accountants (more than 400 face-to-face partner meetings in recent years).

What prompts partners to ask Paul to consult with them?

  1. The firm’s growing but not growing fast enough.
  2. It’s no longer acceptable for the firm’s financial performance to continue on a plateau or downward trend.
  3. There’s a BIG ISSUE in the firm in need of resolution.

Almost all of Paul’s consulting work comes from word-of-mouth recommendation. However if you want to take the next step…

Complete this 5-minute, 13-question questionnaire and Nickie (Paul’s PA) will call you to arrange an initial call with Paul.

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