Here’s an article with some solid research into the value and power to your firm of a high-grade – you might call it ‘remarkable’ – customer experience. 
Specifically, the customer experience your firm delivers correlates highly to a willingness to consider another purchase, willingness to recommend, and reluctance to switch to a different provider.

Valuable? You bet!

IN OTHER WORDS, if you want that next sale, if you want good word of mouth, and if you want to keep your customers, it’s unlikely that anything else you do matters more than delivering a superior customer experience.
Read the full article here and do something with what you learn –

When have you experienced a ‘remarkable’ customer experience like the Emirates flyer in the article? What was your reaction?

What do you do to provide a ‘remarkable’ customer experience in your firm?

Paul Shrimpling

Author of ‘Bamboo Marketing For Accountants’ – the route map to marketing success for accountants in practice –

Creator of ‘BUSINESS BITESIZE’ – cultivating a greater flow of new clients for your accountancy firm through profitable word-of-mouth

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