Here’s your chance to compare your firm’s lead generation performance with the results from 109 accountancy firms sharing their marketing statistics.

What’s fantastic, we think, is these 109 firms generously shared their numbers across 26 different questions. Every question designed to extract what works at generating converted leads for accountancy practices like yours. The report seeks out the links between questions, reaches some valuable conclusions and makes recommendations based on the results.

Here’s some of the headline stats for you to contemplate:

As a small firm with less than 250 clients have you generated 60 leads in the last 12 months? If you have, what have you done to achieve this?

And if you’re a firm with more than 1000 clients have you generated more than 100 leads in a year? Again if you have it would be great to hear about how you did it below.

If you’re a 5-7 partner firm have you generated between £150,000 and £200,000 of new client fees in the last 12 months? Perhaps you won more. One firm in the survey achieved this with a well-balanced set of marketing initiatives and a modest budget.

One of the sole practitioners in the report generated more than £200,000 of converted leads in 12 months? Sounds a lot for a sole practitioner but it’s been done with a blend of marketing activities and a real focus on events.

If you’re interesting in buying a copy of the survey here’s a comment from one firm after receiving the report:

“Thanks for the Marketing Audit For Accountants. It has provided some really clear insights into what works at generating converted leads for accountants. I will be using extracts from it to support the stuff I have been harping on about for years at the quarterly firm management meeting on Monday when we bring all the managers in and do the session on growth.”
– Nigel Bennett, Managing Partner of 7-partner firm Hallidays in Stockport

In the summary table on page 44 of the report 13 different marketing activities are ranked according to the ability to generate converted leads according to the 109 firms. It’s a great 1-pager you can use to sign-post your marketing plans and actions – as well as the specific conclusions and recommendations the report suggests. NB The report comes with a 100% money back guarantee if you can’t find anything of real and specific value to your firm.

You’ll find the report here –

What do you reckon were the top 3 performing sources of converted leads in the survey? And the worst performing 3?

More importantly what works best for your firm at generating converted leads and how do your results compare with those above?

Paul Shrimpling

Creator of ‘Business Bitesize’ – cultivating a greater flow of new clients for your accountancy firm through profitable word-of-mouth –

Author of ‘Bamboo Marketing For Accountants’ – the route map to marketing success for accountants in practice –

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