One thing matters…

As a firm of accountants you can offer your clients and prospects a whole array of services but don’t want to confuse your clients and prospects.

Quite right too.

Confuse them and you reduce their likelihood of buying something they need/want from your firm.

I came across this wee story which perfectly illustrates the power of simplifying your message…

You’ll see how relevant it was to me and our business…

…at Remarkable Practice we use a CRM package called Infusionsoft.

We are debating internally if it is too big/complex a package for our needs.

So when I read the article below I was intrigued by Infusionsoft’s way of dealing with the complexity of their service offering.

Not unlike an accountancy service offer. You offer multiple services and multiple service levels for each service. Their findings are worthy of your attention…

“Here at Infusionsoft we pride ourselves on the comprehensiveness of our product. Our marketing message has typically been that our software is an “all-in-one small business solution”, and it is. But that message doesn’t seem to resonate very well. People don’t want an all-in-one solution, especially small business owners and entrepreneurs. The majority of them are looking for email marketing.
So, late this year we started testing the idea of leading our message with email marketing only and why our email marketing solution is superior to what people are used to. This is a big change for us and we were reluctant to go this route because our product is so much more than just email marketing. We’ve learned that by focusing our message on only one aspect of our product, people are much more likely to listen to the rest of the message. Conversions have increased and the new customers that have come in the door under our new message seem to be much better customers.

So the lesson learned is: Even if your product is amazing and does a million wonderful things, it’s crucial to only talk about one thing at a time and start with the most relevant one.”

Tyler Garns, Infusionsoft

Do you get it?

Only talk about one thing at a time and start with the most relevant one.

I regularly advocate helping clients and prospects buy what they want (first). When they’ve agreed and signed up and are using the first service only then go back and share the next one relevant service.

OK – if they want to buy several services at once go for it. But if they are focused on one service help them buy one service (at a time).

Simple I know but it’s a common conversation and a lesson worth hard-wiring don’t you think?

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