With the end of the year hurtling towards you, it’s understandable if your thoughts turn to 2014 and how you make a step forward for your accountancy practice. 

Considering big picture issues rarely gets airtime because of more pressing deadlines and problems. Thinking strategically at this time is healthy, despite the looming tax return deadlines. What you could and should be changing in order to improve the profitability and capital value and sustainable success of your firm next year deserves your attention. To help…

…this stimulating article in the ICAEW publication Economia raises some strategically valuable and stimulating thoughts about the profession. Yes you’ll find some comments from me but the comments about ‘people’ and ‘recruitment’ and ‘tax’ and ‘business advisory’ ring important bells I think.

This comment about the way the big four are growing is definitely worthy of your attention:

“These giants worked out some time ago that advisory work, rather than compliance, is the source of growth and profits. …it is this model of adding value through advisory work that smaller accountancy practices must ape in their own way if they are to succeed.”

See more at http://economia.icaew.com/finance/november-2013/tomorrows-world

What do you believe are the pressing strategic issues in your firm in 2014?

What do you believe are the pressing strategic issues in profession in 2014?

Paul Shrimpling
Remarkable Practice

Creator of ‘Business Bitesize’ – cultivating a greater flow of new clients for your accountancy firm through profitable word-of-mouth –http://www.businessbitesize.com/

Author of ‘Bamboo Marketing For Accountants’ – the route map to marketing success for accountants in practice – http://www.bamboomarketingforaccountants.com/

And let’s get LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/paulshrimpling