Pricing in your accountancy firm can be a difficult subject to tackle and even more difficult to get right, whether you’re a multi-million-pound firm or a smaller, more modest practice.

Buyers are now more savvy, they have more options, they can very easily compare your price to the competition and therefore their expectations are much higher.

However, to not even try to get your pricing right means that you’ll never tap into the higher profits your firm could be generating.

In his brilliant book ‘Priceless – The hidden psychology of value’ William Poundstone has done a great job of pulling together some of the best science about pricing.

He recognises pricing as a much richer subject than most people imagine and provides a truly eye-opening account of how the pricing of products and services affects how we think of them.

The book also includes many fascinating behavioural experiments and is packed with real life examples of why pricing is so important and the tricks that some businesses use to sell their products and services.

It’s a book every business owner and manager should read and start testing the insights.

To read more about the book and the power of profitable pricing then please click here.