If you don’t grow your customer list you won’t grow your accountancy firm. 

To grow your customer list you must grow your prospect list.

This link shows you someone obsessed with building his prospect list – by 10,000 in a year from his website. You could follow his lead couldn’t you? And grow your prospect lists, grow your accountancy firm. 


What are you doing to grow your prospect list?

What works best in your firm to grow your prospect list?

How do you grow your prospect list from your website?

Paul Shrimpling

Author of ‘Bamboo Marketing For Accountants’ – the route map to marketing success for accountants in practice

Creator of ‘BUSINESS BITESIZE’ – cultivating a greater flow of new clients for your accountancy firm through profitable word-of-mouth…

And let’s get LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/paulshrimpling