The Valentines theme is love.
And love is a remarkable business concept worthy of your business attention. Try this for size…
Love your clients.
But love is just a word.
And words are cheap.
And I can’t see your clients welcoming you on bended knee, waxing lyrically about your undying affection for them.
So, words are cheap.
But actions aren’t.
Actions are real.
Actions PROVE you are serious about the relationship you have with your clients, your actions prove your customer-love is real.
So what actions are you taking to prove, to demonstrate, to genuinely care for (if not love) your customers?
Stephen Covey in his book – The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Families – suggests ‘love’ should be seen entirely as a doing word.
A verb.
So what should you be DOING to demonstrate your customer care (love)?
Here are 3 suggestions on Valentines day:
1. Surprise them– be spontaneous – the thing about spontaneity is you got to plan it in.
What are you doing to surprise them or surpass their expectations every month not just on Valentines day!
EXAMPLE: Turn up unexpected at their office with a book for them or biscuits for the team.
Alternative strategy don’t surprise them, be predictably boring and see what happens over time to the quality or your relationship.
2. Make ‘em look good or feel special about being with you.
Perfume, chocolates, flowers or a hug works for your significant other. But your business clients want value from you so they can look and feel good about working with you and your firm.
EXAMPLE: share competitor insights, expert comment from a web site or an article from their trade press.
Alternative strategy, don’t make your best clients feel special, make ‘em feel just like all the rest! Then see what happens.
3. Check in often. Regular contact and communication is at the centre of all great relationships.
Regular feedback is important too.
EXAMPLE: Monthly client care programme and regular customer satisfaction feedback are common sense (but not common practice). Have you got monthly feedback from some (or all) your best customers?
Alternative strategy contact and communicate rarely with your best clients and see what happens!
Love is a verb – it is a doing word. What are you doing for your clients so they know you love them?
You know you’ve done enough doing when they say “I do!”
Thing is you gotta keep ‘doing’ to prevent them saying “I don’t” and divorce you – join another firm! so keep on ‘doing…
Keep on loving your clients.
I hope YOU enjoy lots of love this Valentine’s Day.
Happy Valentines Day.
Lots of love from Paul and the team at