Your Firm’s Future – How ambitious accountants make strategic health pay off…


8 questions build strategic health and transform your firm’s results

This brand new book shares the strategic health framework that’s proved to work for many accounting firms just like yours. Answer the 8 questions, and you can transform your firm’s results.

For me, reading this book has cemented my thoughts that strategy is all about people and it’s all about action.  Too often we hatch plans but don’t follow through.
What these eight questions do is challenge our thought processes and better connect us to our people.  Implementing our response to the eight questions has had a profound effect on our business” – Subarna Banerjee, Managing Partner, UHY Hacker Young; Chair, UHY International

Think of the 8 questions as 8 doors or windows into a house called ‘your future firm‘.
Climb through the door or window that best suits you at this time.
Start on the question that feels easiest and most relevant to you and your firm.

“If ever there was a book every firm should have, this is surely it. It really is brilliant.  You’d have to be crazy not to have it.  The 8 questions are simply magical.  Answering them give you the most wonderful roadmap for a brighter future – one for your team, your customers and our world as well.
Doug and Paul have applied their commitment to their vision and purpose so that you learn to humanise the numbers.  They’ve created a beautifully put together and wonderfully illustrated masterpiece.
You’ll find it so easy to access, to understand and, most importantly, to apply.” Paul Dunn, Co-founder, B1G1

100% money-back guarantee – If you don’t believe this book or the supporting online resources can help transform your firm’s results then please ask for your money back. We’re committed to helping you and your firm build strategic health in a way that transforms the performance of your firm which is why we’re committed to this guarantee.