Sharing stories or facts about your firm has always been a powerful marketing tool. During the Covid pandemic the messaging and content that you’ve shared with clients has likely changed very swiftly.

More firms have moved from offline to online in an attempt to either satisfy overwhelming client demand, adjust to offering online transactions, paperless communication, or simply to let their clients know what is going on with the ‘new normal’ in their firm.

Whatever changes you’ve had to make, you’ve probably been doing more business via your website than before Covid and your website may have had more visitors also.

How do you ensure that clients who arrive on your website, stay?

Clear messaging will give your firm an edge in the marketplace.  How can you simplify and distil down your messaging so that an 8-year old can understand what you do?

And sharing stories on your website using better words in a better way will bring you better results also.

Presenting core facts about your firm or service that are concrete, transparent and unambiguous keeps visitors engaged. These can be in the form of:

  • Testimonials
  • Case studies
  • Statistics
  • Guarantees

These stories are an essential part of the marketing of your firm. When done well, they will help your firm survive and thrive in these uncertain times. They’ll help your clients understand the current situation, give you the edge over your competition, generate business and create loyal clients.

Click here to find a checklist you can use to create great stories that you can use on your website and read a 4-page report on how storytelling can work for your firm to survive in these challenging times.