A recent interview with Michael Heppell – world renowned author – reminded me of this question. A question asked of me when I was struggling in my first job selling recruitment services.
It’s relevant to accountants too.
Let me explain.
You have a default position.
Or rather you have a default reaction to problems, difficulties and frustrations.
What’s yours?
Are the problems you experience a good thing or a bad thing? Are they positive or negative? Does it make you feel energised or worn out? Does it make you happy or glum?
I suggest your default position or reaction will mark you out and determine your results during difficult times.
My Mum, Margaret Thatcher and Jim Rohn…
Reminiscent of Margaret Thatcher’s famous “Get on your bike!” quotation, Jim Rohn, a world class speaker and success philosopher suggests:
“Don’t wish it were easy. Wish you were better” – Jim Rohn
If the economy is affecting your clients and your practice, chances are it’s affecting others too – including your competition and their customers. You could whinge about the difficulties; you could wish it were easier. OR…
- You could wish you were better
- You could invest in some great reading material
- You could invest time in one or two inspirational courses, videos or audio-recordings too
- You could celebrate all those clams and go fish for the pearls!
My mum, a less well-known success philosopher, used to tell me:
“Where there’s muck there’s brass!”
This translates into where there’s a problem there’s also an opportunity.
Michael Heppell also makes this point brilliantly – even better than my mum does!
In his brilliant book ‘Flip-It’, Michael Heppell makes this exact point brilliantly:
“Problems are solutions in disguise.”
I recently had the great privilege of interviewing Michael – author of several best selling books including ‘How To Be Brilliant’; ‘5-Star Customer Service’ and his most recent work ‘Flip-It’ (available from Michael’s website www.michaelheppell.com).
NB If you want a free copy of the 18 minute interview with Michael please click this link
Problems are solutions in disguise!
With this in mind I consider myself very lucky and very grateful to work with an amazing handful of firms across the UK.
Because they all fall into one of two camps:
1. They are enjoying the fruits of good practice and seeing their firm grow during the recession.
2. They are shrinking somewhat and seeing this as an opportunity to run a tighter ship and prepare for future growth.
There’s not a Whinging Walter amongst them.
They are all pearl fishermen and pearl fisherwomen.
I can only conclude that all accountants are this positive, future focussed and optimistic about their future.
What about you?