When you started your firm you’ll have had many ideas about the direction you wanted it to go in and what you wanted to achieve. You had dreams, ideas, goals and objectives.

Even in uncertain times, maybe especially in uncertain times, setting goals for your firm is just as important.

But the reality is that if you just make a list of objectives for your firm, there are too many and the list becomes overwhelming.

Especially when you are currently busy managing your team’s morale, new working patterns, changes in working locations and the ever-changing priorities that come with times of upheaval and uncertainty.

It’s difficult to find time to think about strategic goals for your firm when more and more of your time is taken up with operational challenges.

But what if you took time out and made a list of the top 3 (just 3) strategic priorities for your firm?

Priorities that will help your firm move forwards so that you don’t get left behind.

Sounds simple enough?

Then, what if you focused on the top priority and ignored all the others?

What if you focused on this single priority for the next 13 weeks, shared it with your team and tracked its activities and results?

Click here to learn how your Accountancy firm will survive and thrive when you focus on one significant objective with your team for the next 13 weeks and measure the activities and key results needed to help you achieve it.