TaxAssist Growth Academy Resources

 Session 3
6th June 2024 

It was great to spend time together on Wednesday evening and Thursday and, despite the “Fawlty Towers” nature of the surroundings, we had a really productive day!In the accountability session, covering what you committed to doing last time, it was great to hear of the success stories, achievements and progress you’re making. These stories bring the programme to life and remind us all that significant steps are being taken – well done all!

We covered three main subject areas, as follows:-

Gallup Q12
Team engagement is one of the five key levers of growth – what if most of your team were fully engaged? Actively pushing the business forward? Teams where more of the people are fully engaged are faster, more productive and happier, so getting this key area right is vital for your firm’s growth. The slides in the resources cover the Gallup survey questions and are a good aide-memoire in directing your team interactions.

The firms that get workflow right have greater profitability, capacity and capital value growth. Thinking of our firm as a production line with a weekly focus and cadence means we’re more likely to take the necessary steps to ensure our focus is on getting jobs out the door, without interruption. The best way to achieve that is via pre-job chats, where we’re providing clear direction to those doing the job; introducing accountability for the output and anticipating the issues that stop a job from being completed, as opposed to a mentality of working “on” jobs.

Moments of Truth
One of the five levers of growth is around price/value delivery. When we focus on moments of truth, we can influence the perception of value in the eyes of the client.

Your homework was to identify what the moments of truth could be in your firm, and then come up with some possibilities about how you can improve them. This is a great exercise to do with the whole team. If anyone needs more input/help, please drop me a line or call me.

Below are the resources from our day together - just click any of them to view or download.

  • the slides from the day, with the Gallup survey questions on
  • the flip chart pages with the previous actions and learning points
  • flip chart pages on pre-job chats
  • flip chart pages on improving team engagement

 3 Business Breakthrough reports on team engagement, moments of truth and what to stop doing to succeed

Great to work with you all!



Agenda and info

Accountability – follow-up
Your burning issues?
Gallup Q12 – team engagement
5 levers of growth – where next?
Action planning


Previous Actions & Learnings

A recap of how far we've come and what's next...


Pre - Job Chats

Priniciples, Questions and Bottenecks


Improving Team Engagement

Ideas and Possibilities


Improve Employee Engagement

How do you turn stressed, disengaged employees into an engaged and productive team?


Stop to Succeed

Time is both finite and precious. Choose what to stop doing and you’re then able to use your finite time more wisely, effectively and profitably.
Ignore your ‘stop doing’ list and you’ll continue to get the same old results.


Moments of Truth - Caring Client Contact

Your client care and employee contact programme determines your client's  and team's experience. Your client and employee experience determines the success of your firm.

Douglas Aitken - Leader

Kate Shrimpling - Facilitator

Tax Assist Workshop

TaxAssist Growth Academy June 24



Tax Assist Workshop

TaxAssist Growth Academy Feb 24

